Freiheitsindex 2023

Freiheitsindex 2023

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Constructive Disruptors Remove Disruptors

The call for purpose cannot be ignored in an increasingly chaotic world

January 22, 2019. Davos. 

While the media has focused on the changing global power dynamics of the post-Cold War era, new research from Media Tenor International presented at the World Economic Forum shows that constructive action such as commitment to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is essential to building a positive future in the face of crises that now have the banking and IT industries viewed as poorly as tobacco and oil.

“Brexit in the U.K., questions about the actions of Facebook and other tech giants, and the ongoing impact of Trump’s presidency in the U.S. have highlighted isolationist and disruptive tendencies around the world,” says Roland Schatz, founder and CEO of Media Tenor. “This has created a need – and an opportunity – for constructive disruption in response, especially as other global powerhouses – such as China, France, and Germany – are being thrust into ever expanding leadership positions regarding global wellbeing, peace, and cooperation.”

At Media Tenor’s SDG Lab at the World Economic Forum, experts discussed the impact and opportunities created by these trends. The speakers included Klaus Heidinger, Head of City Solutions at Siemens in the UK; Gareth Presch, Founder of the UK’s WHIS; Shubhro Sen, Director at India’s SNU; Christoph Stückelberger, the president of the Agape Foundation in Switzerland; and Aniela Ungeresan, a co-founder of Edge Foundation, also in Switzerland.

Partnering with the UNGSII, Media Tenor's Global Agenda Index 2019 provides a scientific perspective that maps and evaluates global issues. This research looks at all 7,190,382 reports on international TV news and in opinion-leading business print media, January 1, 2001 - December 31, 2019 and all 443,398 statements in the annual reports of 500 leading corporations.

For over 21 years Media Tenor's mission has been to contribute to objective, diverse, and newsworthy media content by bringing together the diverse parties. Media Tenor's global research projects include analyses of election campaigns, investor relations, public diplomacy, corporate communications and other topics critical to news makers and news audiences.

The UNGSII foundation was created to assist and accelerate the process of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 through transformation, empowerment, and celebration.

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